Gender Reveal, Baby Shower, Birthday Parties, Brunch, Exclusive Parties, Proposal and more
Unlimited Hi-Res Edited Photos
3 hours Photo Coverage
1 Location
Photos ready in 7-10 business days
jmD$35,000 | usd$250
1 Location
5 hours Photo Coverage
Unlimited Edited Photos
Photos ready in 10-14 business days
jmd$50,000 | usd$360
Optional Add-ons
Additional Time - JMD$10,000 | USD$80 per hour
Additional Location(s) - cost varies as per request
Video Highlight (3-5 mins) - JMD$35,000 | USD$250
- There is a non-refundable 50% deposit required to reserve your date and time, however, you may also pay in full upfront if you wish to do so.
- A transportation cost may apply depending on the location of the shoot (this cost is not standard and is not a part of the prices quoted).*
- If you miss your entire session, that will be considered as a cancellation considering you didn't show up.
- If there is a need to reschedule this must be done before the date of your shoot.
- Please be on time for your session so we can have an awesome experience; if you are more than 30 mins late, you will be charged for the additional time.
- It is advised to arrive at least 30 mins before your session. The time set for your photoshoot is not the arrival time, but the time the session begins.
- LSALM Photography retains the copyright to all images taken unless other agreement was made prior.
- Unless otherwise agreed upon, once you book a shoot, you automatically agree to an exclusive model release.